Posts Tagged With: LGBT

Doing Your Job Is NOT Persecution

For a good part of my life, I identified as a Christian and at one point I was even pursuing the ministry as my Bible Mixvocation. Today, I identify as Agnostic at best (leaning toward Atheist). How did I make such an astonishing transition? The biggest change was I began to empathize rather than feel victimized. What propagated the change? I admitted who I was not only to myself, but publicly – I am a gay man. It took me YEARS to accept myself and eventually learned not to feel shame about being who I am. Recent “religious freedom” laws are only good for reinforcing the “IDEA” that Christians are losing freedoms or are being persecuted – which is irrational and asinine (using it now I wish it were spelled ASSinine).

The most frequent excuse I would get when inviting someone to church back in the day was – there are Tattoo Sintoo many hypocrites. I was brainwashed by my years in the church and could easily counter that excuse by explaining all the good the church and Christians do. Once my perspective changed, I was amazed I was so blind. I tried reading and studying the Bible more and that just convinced me more the excuses I had heard were valid. The  hypocrites had their justification because the Bible can support most any prejudice. There are few things “Christians” hate more than when someone can use the Bible against what they are doing and saying. I have written before that more “Christians” should be called “Biblicans” because the hatred and intolerance they feel can be  justified using the Bible and there is NOTHING Christ like in their behavior – based on HIS teachings. The saddest thing to me is how they are blind to their hypocrisy.

The "thing" is... Atheists don't need proof of nothing! lol

The “thing” is… Atheists don’t need proof there is nothing! lol

I want to understand WHY Christians in the United States feel they need these religious freedom laws? As I see it… the freedom they want is to force others (the general public including gays) to be bound by their religious beliefs. Why would others (especially gays) having equality be a threat they need freedom from? What right have they lost or need protection from? Oh, the right to discriminate against gays; to make sex and contraception subjected to their views. Hobby Lobby is who I blame for all this shit! Providing contraception to employees should not be based on religious beliefs of the company. If the employees were forced to receive contraception, then it would be different!

Paranoid Much?

Paranoid Much?

The paranoid idea that religious freedoms are under attack is fueled by the likes of Fox News constantly having “news” (or rant) pieces about things like “The War on Christmas” that help bolster their ratings! Have they not been inside a WalMart in September? Christmas is in full bloom in the US for at least four months! Saying a non-offensive greeting like Happy Holidays is a threat? They need to go overseas to understand war on Christians. There are persecuted Christians in other countries. Like the boy that cried wolf… I have grown numb to their ideas of persecution.

It could also be fear of having to do their job for someone they USE religion as an excuse to justify their prejudice, Gay Cakediscrimination, or even hatred. All this bullshit about bakeries being FORCED to make cakes for gay weddings is RIDICULOUS! Christ taught “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” ~Matthew 5:41 A blog by Jessica Kantrowitz ( explains this better and in a more pleasant tone than I can. Memories Pizza in Indiana received more than $850,000 from sympathetic “religious” folks for closing 8 days after standing up to a hypothetical situation that gays would force them to cater and serve pizza at a wedding. They felt persecuted for publicly stating they would discriminate against gays.

Gay pizza party... maybe. Gay wedding.... NO!  lol

Gay pizza party… maybe. Gay wedding…. NO! lol

While I respect Memories Pizza’s rights to believe what they want, it is that they made a fortune given by others that are also paranoid, scared, and frightened by unrealistic hypothetical situations that would not happen. #1 – it would be very unlikely that Gays would ever serve pizza at a wedding. #2 – anyone getting married (gay or straight) asks not forces people to make cakes, take photos, or even plan their wedding. Who wants hate cake, an unhappy photographer or an unenthusiastic wedding planner?

A GOOD reason for a gofund me!

A GOOD reason for a gofund me!

Bill Maher has asked why moderate Muslims have not been as vocal against the likes of ISIS. I ask why aren’t moderate Christians more vocal? I know there are moderates and extremist in any and all religions and beliefs. But the problem I have is when the extremist are ALLOWED to be the LOUDEST voices, the moderate and reasonable are complacent with what happens in the name of their religion or beliefs! I only wish I could be louder for gays, reasonable people and the nonreligious; but when others join in… we will be louder than a gofundme for hypothetical and unreasonable prejudices!

Why are Christians so BLESSED?

Why are Christians so BLESSED?

Jesus even taught,“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” (Matt 5:10). If the LGBT community HAD equal rights, there would be no need for gays or objecting Christians to stand up for their rights… we would be equal and Christians in the US would no longer feel so hypothetically persecuted!

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Freedom to BE

I have NO sympathy for Memories Pizza in Indiana. Quite frankly, I resent that they have received over $800,000 (as of this time) in donations! I know there is little way to convince people that sympathize with them that their “Religious Freedoms” do NOT outweigh the LGBT community and supporters’ rights to simple FREEDOM! I ask anyone who reads this that feels they want to support the LGBT community and our “Freedom to BE” to make a donation to their local food bank. Let the food bank know that it is a “gift” from someone that supports LGBT equality. Let’s see if our very generous community can out donate, but we donate to truly needy people! Any food bank that does not accept “Freedom to BE” donations can just lose out. Since there is no way to track a dollar amount from this kind of effort… our community can revel in a silent but beneficial protest that actually helps others. Actually…. donate to any charity as long as they accept it knowing the donation is to honor the cause of LGBT Freedoms. Repost, Share, Like, Comment… let’s just do SOMETHING!!!

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Are You Crucifying Christianity?

I grew up going to church anytime the doors were open. After high school I even considered becoming a minister as my profession. Being reared in a middle-class home and maintaining a middle-class lifestyle in my single income home after university made it easier for me to hold to the values and principles I had grown up with. After admitting to myself I was gay, being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, losing my health, job, lifestyle and health insurance… I became one of “those people” – I am POOR! This is my new “coming out”, admitting I am poor. I tried and struggled for a while to hold  on to my lifestyle but was not Vegas Stylesuccessful. I had to watch as a new owner drove off in my BMW convertible and I was a witness as it faded on the road’s horizon. Soon after this event, I left Las Vegas (where I lived at the time) and I began feeling scared by the idea as an “adult” I was dependent on others for help with even basic needs.

Along with the change in location, came a change in the way I saw the world. My attitude changed. I got over: being a conservative, being a devout Christian and a Republican as I felt the challenges of my new life choking me. I can’t fully embrace the Democrats because they are not doing any better either. The more I learned from studying the Bible, the more I felt distanced from the God of the Bible. The Bible as a moral guide for my life just felt wrong. As I see Republicans fight to protect the wealthy and try to take money from social programs for the poor, the more they reveal to me that they are hypocrites that only talk about church and Jesus for their campaigns (again the Democrats are not much better, they just do not court the religious vote as much as the Republicans do). The more I learned about Jesus, the more I began to realize that most who profess to be Christian should be called Biblican not Christian. A Biblican is one who uses the Bible to justify their disdain and prejudices for others while dismissing the main points of Christ’s message – love and help one another. So now I introduce a new name I added to my vocabulary – Republibiblicans. Republibiblicans use the Biblicans to to sir up votes as they frighten people of the very things they should support and embrace – if they were true Christians.

Now, how do these things come together for me? With my background and education in marketing, I saw to it that I continued to “market” myself as something I wasn’t. I soon realized I was a Clean Handshypocrite and there are few things I hate more than hypocrites. I was presenting myself one way to the world while living quite differently. My facebook marketed myself as “healthy”, “happy” and living an adventurous life. I needed to be more honest with my family, friends, and even the few people who read my blog – MY LIFE IS A CHALLENGE! As a gay man, I urge other lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to come “out”; I now want to be an advocate for people living challenging lives to “come out” and become a voice for CHANGE! As the LGBT community has learned, when people KNOW who we are, they are more comfortable embracing us as “people” they can love and accept in their lives! Being poor is no more contagious than being gay is!

Since I am no longer a person of “faith”, why am I concerned with how conservatives, Christians and Republicans are marketing themselves? Because some of “these people”… I love and care about and they are better than what these groups are standing up for and standing against! I want to encourage someone I know that is a “conservative Christian” to see that he/she is not helping his/her claim to be Christian with a post like the “PLEASE DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS” photo! The photo also makes me wonder… who measures the Department of Agriculture’s “pleasure” to do anything and what evidence do they have the DoA is “pleased”?! Jesus (the Christ part of being a Christian) taught: RepublibiblicanFEED the poor, render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s (a “comment” Christ made about taxes), do not be like the Pharisees that wear their religion as a badge of honor! Where is the Christian outrage for what Congress is trying to do to the poor?  Isn’t the food stamp program exactly the kind of “program” Jesus would support? Would Jesus also encourage people to do even MORE to HELP these people? I am not sure who to credit with saying, “get off your cross, we need the wood”, but I do hope I am able to BUILD and do more for society than just mock poor people, because I am one of them.

In the interest of full disclosure, I should say, I may be poor – living only my social security disability and I do have Medicare, but I am not homeless and do not receive food stamps or welfare. That is not why I am defending the ones that need food stamps, I am defending them because it is the right thing to do! My “lifestyle” is maintained with a below US poverty level income – nothing glamorous or leisurely about my live. ALL of my worldly possessions can fit in 2 checked bags and 1 carry-on. I have been hungry, I have needed to skip meals because of a lack of food and/or money, but I have never really known HUNGER. I would rather go down fighting with people who can empathize with my situation than to help enable the ignorance so many have of what life may be REALLY like for many poor people and highlight the apathy someone must posses to ignore their NEEDS – basic needs like food, health, and shelter. And yes… my “personal” marketing campaign still includes more highlights of the “good”, simple pleasures in life than my struggles with Multiple Sclerosis and finances. No longer is my “personal” marketing campaign a denial of the pain, suffering and challenges I face in life… these challenges are more difficult to express sometimes.

When I posted on facebook my feelings about this situation, I was told,”Judge not lest you be judged.” But that is exactly why I feel I need Joel Osteen Houseto SAY something, I would be judged for my silence! I cannot escape judgement of others but thank goodness and thanks to people like this, I do not fear “judgement” from their God! And OBVIOUSLY their leaders are not worried about being judged either with MULTI-million dollar homes! As I stated earlier, I have read and studied the Bible and hope never to be called a Biblican or a Joel Osteenian! But if I were called a Christian because my life reflects Jesus’ very solid ideals and sound social teachings, I would not mind at all. Just as I would not mind being called a Gandhian, Martin Luther Kingian or any variation of the name of someone who stood up for social justice! I am simply making sure my hands are clean, Mr. Marley! Maybe after a post like this… I SHOULD consider the ministry again? Maybe you can support my “MINISTRY” by using the paypal links on my page? OH MY God… I am as bad as “THEM”!! lol

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Why I Have FAITH In The Next Generation


There is so much in the media today about bullying that it at times may cast some doubts about America’s next generation’s potential. Recently some of my doubts are being transposed to actual admiration for this next generation. While I do acknowledge and agree that bullying is a big issue and it does deserve attention for efforts to reduce or even end it; we can also focus on this next generations potential greatness!

TraceI have a nephew and a niece that are a part of “Generation Y”, or as they are also called the “Millennials”, that have stepped out of their comfort zones to help others. Both have traveled out of the United States to work with Christian missions. My nephew Trace experienced a humanitarian Christian mission to help feed some impoverished families in Coasta Rica and my niece Shelby helped build a church in Brazil. At their ages, I did not even Shelbyhave a passport. Having recently talked with both about their experiences, they both shared how the feel connected to a bigger world because of their experience. One thing they both shared was how much, even in extreme poverty these people lived, they were proud of what little they did have and were happy in situations most Americans could not even imagine. Trace commented about how they would even sweep the dirt floors of their houses, taking pride in how”clean” they kept what to most in the U.S.A. would be considered a hut for a house. 

3 MENEven beyond the small world of my family, I have been encouraged by this next generation. In Tennessee, 3 young men: Drew Gibbs, Taylor Grissom and Jesse Cooper surrendered their possible title of ScottyHomecoming King to Scott “Scotty” Maloney who was born with Williams’ Syndrome (an uncommon neurological disorder that inhibits speech and learning). These 3 gentlemen understood how “Homecoming King” would be more an honor for Scotty and unselfishly allowed him to experience what may be Scott’s high school highlight. Not only were these 3 young men proud for Scotty to win, Scotty received a standing ovation from his fellow students, teachers and community.

In New Jersey, Jacob Rudolph in a speech accepting a class award for class “actor” revealed he had been acting most of his Jacoblife, the role of “straight Jacob”. He said, “Sure, I’ve been in a few plays and musicals, but more importantly, I’ve been acting every single day of my life,” Rudolph told the crowd. “You see, I’ve been acting as someone I’m not…you see me acting the part of straight Jacob, when I am in fact LGBT.” First, I admire his bravery to “come out” in such a public way at a young age and second, I was so pleased to see the response of the crowd (mostly students) cheer and applaud his announcement. This is a huge improvement about young people’s attitudes about fellow gay students.

Finally I highlight Tavi Gevinson who out of basic teenage boredom started a blog (stylerookie) that has now led to an online magazine “Rookie”. Now at 16 Tavishe is invited to fashion week shows and found the audience that wanted to read about her opinions of fashion and culture. I write this blog still seeking my audience (lol). She now also has one other accolade – she is the youngest guest ever on “The Colbert Report”. I would not even be able to get “The Colbert Report” to even read an e-mail, much less read (or know about) my blog! At 15, she was a speaker and made a presentation for TED Talks.

Trace just graduated from university having studied to be a teacher and Shelby is in university now studying to be a speech pathologist. Both are pursuing careers that that will share their talents and HELP others!  I really am proud of them and have a great admiration for what they are doing with their lives. I also know it is not just my nephew and niece – it is their generation. I look forward to this generation “running” the country! 

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Spread Your Wings… Not Hate

So what if I don’t go to heaven, it will just give you more room to spread your wings since you are such an angel!  I have heard, “You can love the sinner without loving the sin.”  I am gay, so how can you love me and not love gays?  Labeling me a sinner helps me lose respect for most people simply because they are pious enough to say that like they are not sinners also… they are perfect! Like my parents, I know there are some that can’t commit to the hate because they do feel a commitment to love the person, but because of their religious convictions, they cannot truly embrace and love the person fully.  So, if they cannot truly love the person, they will fight to prove the sinner is less and deserves less from life.

New York just passed legislation that will allow gays to marry in New York.  The LGBT community had a leader in their effort – Gov. Andrew Cuomo.  Unlike President Obama, Gov. Cuomo not only courted the gay community with promises while taking their money, he took the

This is NOT who I voted for!

cause to heart and fought to deliver.  I have been a big supporter of President Obama, but his inability to lead and fight for causes he campaigned on is making me wain. Mr. Obama is not even making his Democratic base happy trying to pacify conservatives while playing golf with Boehner like he is a buddy and not the guy that has kept Obama from being the man of change he promised to be!  Why is he not leading the cause like Gov. Cuomo, fighting for real healthcare reform (Medicare for ALL or at least a government option) instead of straddling the fence?

Christians forget all about the love Christ taught and spend so much time trying to be Christian instead of Christ-like.  I am so happy to be free from religion and its archaic belief system.  Surprisingly for most, I find myself closer to God being Spiritual instead of being religious.  I lost a good friend because she felt marriage needed protection from gays joining a facebook page called “Protect Marriage”.  My heart broke, a friend felt my having the opportunity to marry in some way threatened her… in someway would affect her marriage!  She feels she needs protection?

My question is who does marriage need protection from …. Donald Trump (married 3 times I remember), Newt Gingrich (cheated on one of his 3 wives while she was being treated for cancer), Elizabeth Taylor (a total of 8 marriages to 7 different men)?  But no one takes picket signs to keep them from marrying, AGAIN!  They are adulterers, that is mentioned as being a sin in the Bible more often than being gay.  Adultery even breaks one of the Ten Commandments!  Where is the outcry for protecting marriage from adulterers?  Great Bible characters like King David were adulterers , so if there were a great Bible character that were gay, would marriage need protection? 

I know I will not be able to convince religious people to become more Spiritual than religious, but maybe I can help them see that they’re being hypocrites and are only demonstrating hatred.  If you do not support gay marriage… don’t marry a gay or go to their weddings!  There is no need for Christians to deny gays the right to be married in order to protect their own marriage.  The sad thing is their hate blinds them from logic and the meaning of living in a country with FREEDOM, not just a country where everyone is free to believe the same as them.  Please – do not use religion to justify your HATE!

I hope to hear this a lot more – Andrew Cuomo for President 2016! I wish it were possible for 2012!

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