The Weight On My Shoulders…. AND Elsewhere – Delayed

Like many of my efforts, the goal to lose some weight is on delay. After getting a pretty decent start, a family emergency side-tracked me. My uncle broke his neck and I tried helping my cousin as much as I could. Followed almost immediately with Thanksgiving (a “Southern” Thanksgiving no less lol) with Christmas an my birthday less than a month after… I am only human. So I have put the whole 17 Day Diet idea on hold until after the new year. Not as a resolution… but simply an effort to get back on track.  I am not giving up… just postponing the success!


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2 thoughts on “The Weight On My Shoulders…. AND Elsewhere – Delayed

  1. Brenda

    Oh, no, Thomas, I am SO sorry to hear about your uncle!!!!! Hope all your next posts can be happy ones!

    In re weight, you might do as I am doing — weigh regularly during the holidays so I don’t gain. I have noticed that those who never have weight problems always eat a little less the day or week after a big family or other celebratory meal, etc.

    • Just so you know Brenda, it was Uncle Jewel. He has been in the hospital almost 6 weeks now… but is doing MUCH better!

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